Welcome to the Aspire School of Dance 202/26 Scholarship page.
News of our 2025/26 Scholarship will be announced in the new year and held on a date during term 5 after the Easter break. In the mean time you can read about our 2024/25 scholarship below.
What a great day we had at the Aspire School of Dance 2024/25 Scholarship day which was held at Gordano School, Portishead on 11th May 24.
After supporting a local racing driver Travis Chapman Racing and watching him compete in sporting scholarships Aspire decided to give something back to the community and what better way than enabling a young talent to choose a dance lesson for free for the entire 2024/25 academic year.
We welcomed students aged between 6yrs-14yrs who love to dance and perform and wow they did not disappoint.
Students were split into 2 groups, both had 2 x 1hr sessions with our fabulous ISTD Modern teacher Miss Holly and our guest teacher a graduate from Morea Performing Arts College Miss Sian.
The day consisted of 1 hour in the sixth form hall and 1 hour on the stage in the main hall, the groups then switched to do the other session.
Sixth form hall session was a warm up or cool down (depending if it was the groups 1st or 2nd hour). flexibility, ballet and modern, students were assess/scored on how they interacted with each other, the teacher, listening and taking on instruction.
The stage session was a warm up or cool down (depending if it was the groups 1st or 2nd hour) and learnt some short choreography.
The groups were then bought together to perform in groups of 2 or 3 the choreography learnt and judged by Miss Holly and Miss Sian. The scores from each section were then combined and our scholarship winner announced.
Massive congratulations to Daisy our 2024/25 Scholarship winner and thank you for your lovely feedback.
"I was over the moon to find out that I had won Aspire School of Dance's first ever scholarship. The whole day was a great experience - lots of fun dancing, working with brilliant teachers, learning fab choreography, and even making new friends. I had a smile on my face all day - and an evening bigger one when they announced that I had won!"
Daisy Banyard (12)